Saturday, August 17, 2019

Bitcoin Prevents Fractional Reserve Lending


 Figure 1: A simple illustration of how fractional reserve lending works

Most of the money used today comes from fractional reserve lending

Fractional reserve lending / banking is where most of the fiat based money in use today comes from and the means by which banks burden people with debt.  Figure 1 shows a simple illustration of how the Fractional Reserve Lending system works.  For example, say you had $100 USD that you deposited to a bank.  If the bank had a 10% reserve requirement, it can loan out $90 USD.  The process then repeats, the $90 USD loan out can be deposited into another bank with a 10% reserve requirement, so $81 USD can be loaned out again.
This process can continue an infinite number of times.  From, just this example of 3 banks, what started out as $100 USD of money deposited became $171 USD of money loaned!  Now if everyone, or at least more than 10% of a banks depositors, went to the bank to withdraw all their money at once, there would not be enough to cover all the obligations.  This event is also known as a “bank run”!


Figure 2: Famed Economist, John Maynard Keynes Quote on Inflation, Deficit Spending, Fractional Reserve Lending & Taxes

The banking system is subtly stealing people’s buying power and assets

Fractional Reserve Lending, allows banks in a very subtle way to loan out much more money than they currently have in reserves and burden people with debt and long-term inflation!  Famed economist, John Maynard Keynes once said that in a fiat based monetary system, inflation, deficit spending, and fractional reserve lending are a means by which banks that control governments can steal people’s buying power and hard assets too (Figure 2)!


Figure 3: The Illusion of the Modern Banking System

The modern banking system is based on an illusion

Figure 3 shows the game that bank use to control people with debt.  People work all their lives to earn money, fiat currency, that has a continually diminishing buying power through inflation and fractional reserve lending.  Banks simply create this fiat currency out of “thin air” by using their printing presses or nowadays simply typing some numbers into a computer screen.  They burden the people with more and more debt which they use not only to control people but also transfer hard assets from the vast majority of the population to the creators of money, the financial elite.

In a sound monetary system, which we had in generations past in a commodity based monetary system based on gold backing the money supply, fractional reserve lending, deficit spending and inflation isn’t possible.  For example, when we were back on a gold standard, the banks simply couldn’t create more money by printing it or using fractional reserve lending because they actually needed gold to back up the currency that they were creating.  It is also much more difficult to burden people with debt and long-term inflation in a sound monetary system.

Bitcoin will return us to a sound monetary system

In our current digital era, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies act as a type of digital gold.  The supply of Bitcoin is limited and the amount created every year is predictable.  Banks or other central institutions cannot simply create as much as they want of it.  Thus, Bitcoin is a limited digital commodity similar to physical gold.
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies make peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions and more importantly decentralized creation of money possible again similar to when our ancestors where using physical gold coins as money.  Fractional reserve lending, deficit spending, and long-term inflation will be prevented if there is mass adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, people will not be burden with massive amounts of debt using cryptocurrency!

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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Bitcoin Prevents Too Much Debt!

Former U.S. presidents on debt

Figure 1: U.S. President Andrew Jackson on debt.

Figure 2: U.S. President John Adams on debt.

U.S. Presidents Andrew Jackson and John Adams, described debt as a form of slavery. In a fiat currency based monetary system, which we have today, people getting into debt is something much too common. Due to inflation, the buying power of currencies such as the U.S. dollar is diminishing through time. From my own personal experience with having lived in the U.S. for over 30 years, I can say that almost everyone I know living there is buried in debt! From car loans, student loans, and mortgages, people are struggling just to pay the monthly principle and interest payments.
Unfortunately, this phenomenon of being a “debt slave” is very common in many Western based countries such as the U.S. and the U.K. as table 1 depicts. The countries in most debt are also those with the highest, most extravagant, living standards. Fortunately, interest rates in the last decade have been kept at or around zero, thereby allowing borrowers the luxury to pay low monthly dues.  Eventually, interest rates will have to rise and this will lead to many payment defaults similar to what happened in the sub-prime crisis of 2008!  In these countries, there is too much peer pressure to maintain a certain standard of living standard that previous generations enjoyed. Unfortunately, due to inflation the buying power of the currency being used is diminishing through time, thus, people need to borrow more and more money to maintain their lifestyle and also impress their friends and relatives. It’s similar to that old saying of, “keeping up with the Joneses” but unfortunately the Joneses are now buried in debt.

Table 1: List of countries by external debt.

The financial elite control people with debt

Debt is a means by which the financial elite, those creating the fiat currency, can control the vast majority of the population into compliance. Additionally, it is a means by which the financial elite slowly transfers hard assets from the general population to their possession as Figure 3 depicts. For example, say you would like a car loan, a home loan, or a small business loan, banks are more than willing to let you borrow the money on the strict condition that you can continually pay the principal and interest payments due the same day of every month. If for any reason you miss a few payments, then after a while, the banks will send collectors to repossess your car, your house, or your small business.

This debt based financial system is one of the reasons why the gap between the rich and poor keeps increasing, especially in Western based countries, the rich keep getting richer while the poor keep getting poorer.

Figure 3: How the banking system transfers hard assets from the people using debt.

Unfortunately, this not only occurs in a micro level but a meta level too. International central banks such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) can burden countries with so much debt that they can never pay off and if they miss enough regular monthly payments then the collector is sent. In this case, the collector is usually the U.S. military, which will lay claim to some resource owned by the country buried in debt.

Sound money doesn't burden people with debt

In a sound monetary system such as a gold standard, a commodity money based system, or a decentralized cryptocurrency based money system, burdening people with debt is much more difficult to accomplish.   Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are a digital representation of the gold standard.  Bitcoin due to its nature is a limited “digital commodity”.  Lending institutions cannot simply lend out more of the cryptocurrency than they have in supply.  Therefore, it will be much more difficult to burden borrowers with too much debt using this type of sound money. 

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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

How Bitcoin Prevents Inflation


Figure 1: A money printing press.

The people that control the creation of money are more powerful than the politicians

Figure 1 shows a money printing press which you will find in any central bank in every nation of the world. Now, for you and I to get paper money, currency, we need to spend a lot of blood, sweat, and tears usually by working hard for a job. However, the people who control these money printing machines, the central bankers, have the ability to create an unlimited amount of currency.


Figure 2: The front face of a U.S. one-dollar bill.


Figure 3: The front face of a U.S. one-hundred-dollar bill.

Paper currencies are no different than monopoly money and we are stuck playing the central bankers game!

Have you ever wondered why the buying power of a U.S. one-hundred-dollar bill (Figure 3) is 100 times greater than a U.S. one-dollar bill (Figure 2)? They were both printed on the same paper and are made of the same material. The design is just different and the one-hundred-dollar bill just has a higher number, a 100, printed on it. If this is the case, why doesn’t an arbitrary large number: a million, a billion, a trillion, etc. just be printed on this piece of paper? In some countries, such as Zimbabwe, inflation got so bad that their central bank eventually started printing one-hundred-trillion-dollar bills (Figure 4). Can you imagine having one-hundred-trillion dollars and still not be able to afford to buy a loaf of bread? In some hyper-inflation scenarios this can occur.  Today, countries such as Venezuela are experiencing massive inflation as well.


Figure 4: The Zimbabwe one-hundred-trillion-dollar bill

Sound money was abandoned because we left the gold standard

What does the number on central bank notes represent? One of what, a hundred of what, a hundred-trillion of what? Well originally, central banks worldwide were on a gold standard so all their printed bank notes, currency, had to be redeemable in gold bullion. In generations past, you could go to a bank and turn in your bank notes, currency, in exchange for actual gold bullion. However, when the U.S. dollar became the world reserve currency, all the currencies of the world became pegged to it instead of gold on the condition that the dollar maintain a peg to gold. Originally, in accordance to the Bretton Woods agreement, the U.S. dollar was supposed to maintain a peg of $35 USD to 1 ounce of gold bullion. However, the U.S. government spent a lot more money than it was making so it could no longer maintain this peg and have its currency redeemable in gold. On August 15th, 1971 U.S. President Nixon had to close the gold window, the convertibility of the U.S. dollar into gold, and from that day forth, all world currencies became fiat based.  In simple words, the buying power of fiat currencies comes from gunpoint instead of an actual commodity backing.


Figure 5: U.S. President Nixon closed the gold window on August 15th, 1971

If 4 people were stranded on a desert island, this is how banking would work

Fiat basically means “let it be” by some legal authority also known as the people who control guns. A fiat based monetary system makes inflation possible. Figure 6 and Figure 7 illustrate how the banking system, inflation, works. Pretend we live in a small community of only 4 people. In the beginning everyone is given 1 dollar so everyone has the same buying power initially. If you would like to buy a pen, which I spent all my hard work to create, it will cost you initially 1 dollar. Now the banker uses his money printing press and creates another 4 dollars out of thin air so there are now 8 dollars in existence. The people with one dollar each can no longer afford to buy this pen because of “inflation”; its price is now 2 dollars. However, the person who printed the currency, the banker, can afford to buy two and a half pens! This is basically how inflation works. Its main purpose is to transfer buying power from the people to the ones who create the money!


Figure 6: How the banking system (inflation) works part 1.


Figure 7: How the banking system (inflation) works part 2.

With larger communities, complexity and compartmentalization make inflation less noticeable

In a small community of just 4 people, it is very easy to see that the banker is taking advantage of this fiat based monetary system to dramatically increase his buying power compared to everyone else. Now let’s say we were in a larger community of 100 people. If the banker printed 4 dollars, the price of the pen wouldn’t be 2 dollars, it would just be $1.04 dollars. The price increase becomes even more subtle, if you factor in time too. Let’s say the banker printed 4 dollars in a span of a 10-year period. The price of the pen will slowly increase to a final price of $1.04 dollars after 10 years so it’s not a real big deal to the other members of the community. This is how inflation works best — in large populations and through long periods of time!

Figure 8: How 4 people in a community will survive together.

A fair exchange of labor is needed in our monetary system again

Now if we were in a small community of just 4 people, are we just going to let the banker just sit on his rear end all day and just print as much money as he wants? Hell no! Of course, if there were just 4 people in our community in order for us to survive, one person would have to go fishing right? Another person would have to raise crops as farmer. Another person would have to be our hunter for food. Instead of the banker just using his printing press to create as much money as he wants, why doesn’t do something more useful such as go mining for precious metals that can be used by the community? This is how commodity based money emerged. A miner could trade 3 ores of mined gold for say 3 fish that a fisherman caught.


Figure 9: Many different kinds of fiat based currency.

Fiat based currencies don’t stand the test of time!

Figure 9 shows the many different kinds of fiat based currency. Ever since, the printing press was created, literally thousands of paper based money have been attempted. In time, the ones responsible for the creation of the paper money become greedy and print more money than they can support with an actual commodity such as gold and the currency becomes fiat based. On the average, the lifespan of a fiat based currency is about 50 years or 2 generations until inflation then hyperinflation occurs — it is a 100% failure rate!

Mining Bitcoin allows for a fair exchange of labor in a digital age

Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, allow for a return to a sound monetary based system similar to a commodity based monetary system. Instead of only a few people in charge of creating money using a printing press, or typing some numbers into a computer nowadays, everyone has the ability to create money, Bitcoin, by becoming a miner. This way the creation of money is kept decentralized and a fair exchange of labor can occur!
The first bitcoin was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto during the late 2008 as a repercussion of the financial crisis. No one personally knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is but he wants to show people that cryptocurrency allows for decentralized finance — no one needs complete control of the creation and use of currency. Satoshi’s creation of Bitcoin, has taken the world by storm and many people firmly believe it and other cryptocurrencies will be the next evolution of money.

The future of money are cryptocurrencies!


Figure 10: A digital handshake.

Cryptocurrencies can profoundly impact today’s business. Bit by bit, people are starting to accept this new type of digital currency because of the benefits offered such as peer-to-peer payments, complete monetary control, and the low fees to transfer money. However, as with all things, there are risks associated with this new type of digital currency. Nevertheless, cryptocurrencies are here to stay! It’s your decision if you want to be one of the early adopters to reap the potentially high rewards with using this exciting new money paradigm.

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Monday, August 12, 2019

Paper Money and Banking Origins

Nowadays, the banking system plays such an important role in our daily lives. Almost everywhere you go there are bank branches where you can conveniently access your stored currency. Banks provide many services such as checking and savings accounts, loans, and money transfer options that can be accessed through any branch automatic teller machine, online, or through convenient mobile applications. Have you ever wondered how banks were invented? How did the very first bank come to existence? In order to answer this question we need to look back in monetary history in order to understand how and more importantly why banks were created in the first place.

Bartering was the first system people used


Figure 1: Simple barter illustration

During the prehistoric period, people would trade one item for another item just to get what they wanted. This kind of payment method is what you call a barter systemThe barter system is basically, a means of payment in which we trade an item for another item we value. For example, a farmer can barter some grain in exchange for a fisherman’s fish. Even in our modern age, the barter system still exists. For example, you can exchange your high-end cellphone for a basic cell phone.

Gold and other precious metals were used as money


Figure 2: Ancient Roman gold and silver coins.

Around the year 600 B.C., is when the first commodity based type of money began which were gold, silver, and other metal coinsA great benefit to commodity based money was that standard measures could be implemented with accepted amounts, values, to be used for trade. Prices in terms of a certain weight of precious metals could be used to buy goods and services. Gold coins were used because gold is good store of value. For over 5000 years, the most recognized form of money have been commodity based in the form of precious metals — predominantly, gold and silver coins.

The ancient Chinese invented the printing press


Figure 3: One of the very first printing presses invented by the ancient Chinese.

The ancient Chinese were able to influence the world when they invented paper money. Figure 3 shows one of the very first printing presses that the ancient Chinese in the Sichuan province created. When the Chinese invented the printing press, many great things happened; mass production of books, magazines, newspapers, etc. but it also gave birth to paper based money — currency — that eventually became fiat based, which has no commodity backing.


Figure 4: Modern day gold vaults

The problem with using metal coins is that in large quantities they are heavy and cumbersome to bear so what the ancient Chinese did was open up vaults where you could deposit your gold and silver coins in exchange for paper receipts. After a while, people in the Sichuan province stopped using metal coins because it was so much more convenient to use paper receipts. Everything was going well in this province of ancient China for a while but then the vault owners, the early “bankers”, got really greedy and deceitful!

The ancient Chinese vault owners started deficit spending


Figure 5: Deficit spending illustration

The vault owners started to print out more receipts of gold and silver coins than they had in their actual inventory! They basically started an early form of deficit spending. Basically, their motto was “we don’t have the gold and silver today but we will have it next month, in a few months, by next year, etc.”. This deficit kept expanding and expanding so it diluted the buying power of the paper currency that they were printing at the time. More and more printed currency was chasing the same amount of goods and services offered in this province so it caused a bidding war and then inflation that turned into hyperinflation.


Figure 6: Example of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe with a 100 hundred trillion dollar bank note!

Eventually, the buying power of the paper money, the currency, became basically worthless so the people in mass went to the vaults to get all the original metal coins they deposited. An early form of a “bank run” occurred where the people wanted to get all their gold and silver coins back but the vault tellers at the time couldn’t supply all their requests because they had printed more receipts of metal coins then they actually had in inventory. After a while, there was a civil war between the people and the “financial elites”, the early bankers — the vault owners. Then the central government of China stepped in and ruled that only the central government of China was allowed to print money.

The European explorers spread the banking system worldwide!

Paper money was used in China for 500 years until the Europeans adopted it in the 17th century and it quickly spread to be used by many countries. European explorers at the time, brought this early type of “banking system” back with them to Europe. The Europeans then spread the banking system worldwide through colonization. For example, when the British colonized North America, they actually threatened the native Indians at gunpoint to use their printed currency instead of what they whatever form of commodity based money they were using at the time for trade and barter.

Today, the banking system and fiat based paper money scam is spread worldwide!

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Friday, August 9, 2019

A Brief History of Money: From Hunting-Gathering To Cryptocurrencies

In the Beginning

People have always desired to exchange the end results of their labor with one another. In prehistoric ages, early people were grouped into small tribes that roamed the land for resources. In order to survive, prehistoric people were hunter-gatherers where their main focus in life was to gather food, water, and other essential resources. Many prehistoric cave drawings depict this kind of lifestyle — drawings show early humans hunting all sorts of animals to survive (Figure 1).
Figure 1: A prehistoric cave painting showing people hunting what appears to be some deer.

During these prehistoric times, the concept of “money” did not yet exist. Members of the tribe simply worked all day gathering and crafting the materials they needed to survive and then would share the results of their labor with their fellow tribesmen (Figure 2). This communal sharing of gathered resources was easy to manage because people were grouped into small tribes so it was easy to see who was responsible for gathering a specific resource.
Figure 2: An illustration depicting early tribal life.

The Agricultural Revolution Began

Figure 3: An illustration of farmers in an agricultural settlement.

As the human population grew, people became more aware of how to grow crops and domesticate animals as a good source of food — an agricultural revolution occurred (Figure 3). People began to settle down in small communities of farmers, hunters, fishermen, miners, and craftsmen. It was during this age when the very first markets started to appear. Initially, the very first markets used a simple barter system, whereby people could exchange the results of their labor with one another. For example, a hunter could exchange 3 deer he caught with a miner that extracted 3 iron ores from the ground. However, as these settlements grew, managing these types of trades became increasingly more difficult because the coincidence of wants was also increasing in complexity. An intermediary form of exchange had to be used, thus the first commodity based “money” was invented.

Commodity Based Money Became Popular

Figure 4: Ancient Roman gold and silver coins.

Throughout the ages, there have been many types of commodity based money. People have used anything from seashells, rocks, feather, furs, and many more types of commodities. Ultimately, people discovered that precious metals such as gold ad silver worked well as commodity based money for many reasons. First of all, gold is an inert metal so it doesn’t react with other elements and doesn’t decay, rust, either. Precious metals such as gold and silver also have many other properties such as being portable, durable, divisible and are interchangeable so they are the perfect store of value. For over five thousand years, the most recognized form of money was based on bimetallism — mostly gold and silver in the form of coins (Figure 4).

Paper Based Money Was Invented

Figure 5: One of the very first printing presses invented by the ancient Chinese.

The major problem with using gold and silver coins for trade and barter is that carrying large amounts of metal coins are heavy and cumbersome to bear. As a solution, the ancient Chinese around the 11th century created the first paper receipts for metal coins that were deposited into storage vaults. Hence, the very first paper based currency came in existence and the first gold standard came to be. Throughout the centuries, there have been many different types of paper based currency (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Examples of different paper, “fiat”, based currency.

The Digital Age Started

Figure 7: Popular credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express.

In the late 20th century the digital age started and money itself had to be represented in a digital form too. Therefore, checks, bank wires, and credit cards appeared (Figure 7). As E-commerce emerged, online versions of money had to be readily accessible as well as demonstrated by online banking, PayPal, Gcash, Pay Maya, etc. Currently, we are in a collaborative sharing age as is exemplified with the rise of peer-to-peer (P2P) based services such as Grab and Airbnb. Money itself is becoming P2P as well. P2P cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others are the expected future evolution of money (Figure 8).

Cryptocurrencies Are The Future Evolution of Money

Figure 8: Icons of popular cryptocurrencies.

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